Could you lead like a world leader – even though you’re at the helm of a good team at a mid-size company in a small community? Yes – and never doubt it.
Professional Development
Much of a ResourcefulManager's success is tied to soft skills. They may not sound important, but they may be the most critical skills of all and critical in your professional development. These posts will help you stay abreast of what's working and not working.
How to Make Better Decisions at Work & Avoid Regret!
Don’t you hate the regret that sinks in after you made a poor decision? It’s the exact reason leaders want to make better decisions at work. But even intelligent, well-informed leaders make bad decisions. And we certainly can’t fault anyone for that, considering people make tens of thousands of decisions each day.
The 3 Secrets To Leaving The Office By 5 O’Clock – Guilt Free
How can so many high achievers consistently leave work in time to be home for dinner with their family?
How was former Campbell Soup CEO, Doug Conant, able to spend 30-minutes a day writing thank you notes, and leave for home at a reasonable time?
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg runs a company worth 230 billion dollars, and she still manages to leave the office at 5:30 every day. How does she do it?
How does the person with the biggest job on the planet, President Barack Obama, maintain his commitment to his family that he will have dinner with them every night at 6:30?
Back when I was young and dumb, I worked over 100 hours each week as I fought desperately to lead my fast growing startup. I skipped meals to get a few more things crossed off the to-do list. I slept less in the misguided notion of increasing productivity. And worst of all, I traded precious hours with the family just so I could get a few more things done each week.
It was only after painful failures in both business and my marriage that I was forced to discover three keys to approaching work and life, which oddly increased my results in both domains.
47 Snarky Things You Wish You Could Say To Your Co-Workers
Our mothers’ advice still rings in our ears:
“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”
But sometimes our inner-snark gets the best of us.
Here are 47 snarky comments you’re dying to say to your fellow workers – but shouldn’t.
How to Disagree With Your Boss – And Still Have a Good Relationship
Your boss has a really good idea – at least she thinks so – and you hate it. Awkward, isn’t it?
On the one hand, you owe it to your company to point out the problems. On the other hand, you don’t want to hurt a good relationship.
Fortunately, you can disagree with the boss – or anyone – when necessary and still maintain the relationship, plus accomplish goals.
Before You Say ‘I’m Too Busy’ Again, Listen to This Rant
The next time you utter, “I’m too busy,” realize what that really means.
It’s an excuse, and a weak one at that. It’s a cop-out.
You’re either trying to fool someone else – or maybe just yourself.
We’re ALL busy. But the truth is, there’s no such thing as “too busy.”
If you’re telling someone else you’re “too busy” to be involved in their thing, all you’re saying to them is that you don’t see it as important enough to bother with. So why don’t you just say so?
10 Mistakes That Kill Productivity – And They Are All In Our Control
Everyone likes to talk about time management, but what we should be talking about is productivity.
The only reason time management comes up is that we’re not being as productive as we think we should be.
But most of what derails us has nothing to do with the clock. It’s the bad habits we get into.
Here are 10 mistakes we make that erode our productivity. Focus on these and most of your problems will go away.
7 Mind-Numbing Business Clichés That Make You Sound Dumb
Clichés are so easy to use – but they are a cop-out.
You may think they are great ways to motivate your team, but they’re so overused they no longer have any meaning – or motivational power.
Or they are simply ambiguous and have no impact.
Are your really that unoriginal?
Here are seven business clichés you want to steer clear of:
Well, That Didn’t Work! 5 Proven Ways To Turn Failures Into Wins
No matter how hard you try, sometimes you and your team fail.
Yep, mistakes happen.
And your immediate thought: We can’t let that ever happen again.
But sometimes it does.
It doesn’t have to. There’s a new way, backed by research, to recover from both team and individual setbacks.
Even Techies Now Admit Soft Skills Are The Difference Maker
Despite all the hoopla about how tech skills will drive the future, it turns out soft skills, like communicating and coaching, top the list when it comes to being a most valued employee.
Even the tech-types are now saying so.
Two recent Google studies suggest overlooking soft skills is to your detriment.
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