Here’s the quintessential problem with buzzwords in the workplace: People might think they sound cool saying idea harvesting and hyper-tasking. But those words — among many more like them — aren’t effective at getting the point across, motivating employees or helping anyone who hears or reads them.
Employee Engagement
Employee engagement is about creating an environment where employees are committed to the organization's mission and goals and are feeling fulfilled. These posts will help you create that environment.
Don’t Say That! 9 Phrases that Kill Collaboration
There are at least nine things you don’t want to say to the group, lest you kill collaborative efforts and put a damper on teamwork. Some phrases sabotage forward movement. Other phrases take the wind out of people’s sails.
8 Ways to Motivate a Team of Misfits to Success
Managers often think they have a pendant-winning Yankees lineup in place, when in reality, they’re looking at a bench full of Bad News Bears. So they have to face the question: How can I help a team of misfits succeed?
How to Make Your Meetings Not Suck: 5 Strategies to Save Time, Energy
How many meetings do you have scheduled? Too many! Most managers say that whether they have two or 20! They also meetings suck … time, energy and resources.
7 Signs People are Overstressed & How to Reel Them in
The bitter truth: Stress levels are at an all-time high. More than half of employee experienced stress at work in the past day — and managers are victims, too.
Get Your Jam On! How Music Can Help You Get More Done — Plus 20 Of The Best Songs, Artists
Do you get your jam on every day — or some days — at work? Well, if you’re going to listen, you might as well listen to some of the top music for productivity. But music at work isn’t just a productivity booster. Harvard Business School researchers found music in the workplace — whether it’s […]
Work In a ‘Doom Loop’? 3 Ways To Let The Sun In
Whether you call it a Doom Loop or not, you likely understand what it can be — where there’s a constant vicious cycle of people focusing on the negative.
Workplace Gossip: Why it’s More Expensive than You Think — and 6 Ways to Curb It
Workplace gossip. It’s harmless, right? And everybody does it, so it’s no big deal. Well, maybe not.
The Trouble With Gen Z – and 5 Ways Savvy Managers Can Fix It
Sorry to those of you born between 1995 and 2010, but researchers found Gen Z is a thorn in the side of many. But e should cut them some slack.
Say What You Hate To Say: 5 Ways to Tackle Uncomfortable Conversations
As a manager, you sometimes have to say things you hate to say. You likely dread the conversation — and try to put it off.
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