We have a lot of great resources on the ResourcefulManager website, but we are particularly proud of our infographics.
They’re loaded with valuable statistics and information every manager needs. And they are visually stunning, too.
In our “In Case You Missed It” section today, I’m recapping some of our best and giving you links so you can put them to good use.
In case you missed it …
The top six ResourcefulManager infographics:
You’re Right, Nobody Listens To You
Executives regularly say that poor communication is the biggest problem in business. But the real problem may be listening. The truth is, we humans are poor listeners. And it appears we are getting worse. And on a really sad note: Goldfish have longer attention spans than we do.
The Difference Between Leaders And Managers
Everyone who is a great leader isn’t necessarily a great manager. And great managers aren’t necessarily great leaders. So when it comes to the Leaders vs. Managers debate, where do you land? Here’s a list of 17 traits that separate the two.
10 Empowering Quotes From Inspiring Women Leaders
Need some additional inspiration to help you become successful? These empowering quotes from inspiring women leaders might help motivate you to reach the next level. They come from different walks of life – business, politics and entertainment – but their messages resonate with all of us.
6 Situations You Should Definitely Be Documenting
The first rule of thumb for workplace documentation: “If it isn’t in writing, it didn’t happen. Period.” OK, that may not be totally true, but it’s a good guideline. And it isn’t just the bad stuff you should be documenting. This graphic outlines the six things you most certainly should be putting on paper and into the files.
The Top 10 ‘Little White Lies’ Managers Tell
For the most part, executives and managers are honest people. But all of us find ourselves in the position of telling a “little white lie” from time to time. ResourcefulManager asked 1,133 executives and managers which “white lies” they have told. We gave them a list of 33 lies. Here are the Top 10. How many have you told?
Finally! The Truth About Why We Hate Meetings
A ResourcefulManager survey of 948 upper-level executives, directors, middle managers and frontline supervisors says nothing gets accomplished in 44.8% of the meetings executives and managers attend. Among the reasons: Too many people protecting their own turf.
Keep an eye out for …
If you’re a fan of infographics, you’re definitely not going to want to miss Monday’s blog post, which is a very special infographic on Productivity Killers: Why You Can’t Get It All Done. Get a detailed scientific view of what’s killing your productivity. It’ll be eye-opening.
Yours in success,
John Walston
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