For swamped professionals who feel like a normal 8-hour workday isn’t enough to get everything done
“Escape The Busyness Trap” How To Structure Your Day & Week Prioritize With Precision Neutralize Interruptions Get More Important Things Done … And Leave Work On Time, Guilt Free

Devour this No-Nonsense Blueprint in 1 hour, and you’ll possess:
- The 7 key components of a productive work week – and how to install them into your schedule the right way
- 4 steps to design your “ideal productivity framework” based on your unique situation
- Proven prioritization principles that work
- 10 mistakes that kill productivity – and how to stop them
- Sample 8 a.m.-5 p.m., weekly schedules for supervisors, middle managers and C-suite executives
- 17 habits of highly productive people
When was the last time you left work at 5 p.m. confident you “owned” the day with supreme productivity?
That means no to-do list items left tormenting you into slaving an extra 2-3 hours at the office, or signing back on at home.
If that’s something you’ve only daydreamed of – and haven’t experienced it as much as you’d like … then I believe this will be the most transformative message you’ll read this year (assuming you’re an action taker).
Here’s why:
Everything you know about time management and productivity is a lie. And these beliefs, behaviors and habits are the reasons you …
… think there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done.
… never seem to get on top of your workload and clear out your to-do list.
… have no time to think or work on more strategic, highly important tasks and projects.
… get robbed by distractions, interruptions and other people’s “urgent” requests.
… feel like you have no control and are in a constant state of fire drills and chaos.
There’s a reason for this, and it’s not your fault.
Why time management efforts always seem to fail
Because we’re focused on time. A misdirected aim.
Because we multitask ourselves to death. The biggest myth of productivity.
Because we try to get more done, instead of doing the right things. A misguided pursuit.
This puts us on the never-ending ferris wheel of busyness. Think about it.
If we constantly put in extra hours, stretch our 8-hour days to 12 and our 5-day weeks to 6 and 7, then why do we still struggle doing all we think we need to do?
We are working longer, not smarter. And, surprisingly, not all that much harder when measured.
We are adding hours and hours of extra time – that are progressively less and less productive. Diminishing returns suggest that we don’t need more time, we need our time to do more for us.
Yet, much of what is being taught about time management and productivity simply perpetuates this vicious cycle. The result:
We feel like we’re in quicksand with a rope that helps us pull ourselves halfway out before it snaps, leaving us sinking once again. It’s a hopeless feeling. Like nothing seems to work. Thinking, why bother trying another time management trick that we know won’t be effective.
I feel you. But there is a better way …
The secret to real productivity …
Productivity has little to do with “time.” Or, other people interrupting us. Or, gimmicks and apps.
The secret to real productivity is – energy, properly channeled.
It’s an acknowledgement that we’re humans, not machines. The “time”-based productivity model was created with machines and computers in mind. Emotionless inventions that run consistently and can be ramped up and down with the push of a button.
Well, people don’t operate that way. We have limited energy, limited willpower, limited concentration and limited self-control.
Therefore, we must design an environment that maximizes our finite energy and concentration and direct it toward the right activities. THIS, is the key to becoming more productive now – and in the future. And, it’s backed by research and science.
The money question – how do we accomplish this? How do we turn our inefficient habits into effective ones? Turn our chaotic environment into a manageable one? Turn our busy days into productive ones?
Our editorial team has crafted the best ways in the new ResourcefulManager Blueprint:
“Escape The Busyness Trap”
No-Nonsense Guide To Organize Your Day Structure Your Week, Neutralize Interruptions – And Leave Work On Time, Guilt Free
A concise, step-by-step Blueprint that equips you with research-backed productivity principles, time management secretsof highly successful people, and everyday tips and hacks you can put into action quickly to optimize every hour, day and week.
When you’ve finished reading this Blueprint:
- You will use the predefined “baby steps” we’ve laid out to get some quick wins
- You will become a blend of prioritization ninja and disaster planner who structures her day and week with razor sharp precision while accounting for the inevitable fire drills
- You will abandon unproductive habits and kick wasteful activities to the curb
- You will hone your ability to concentrate, repelling distractions and annoying interruptions like potent bug spray
- You will get more of the right things done in 8 hours than you do in 12 now, freeing you to enjoy your hard-earned family and leisure time

No guesswork. No theory. No B.S.
And, it’s not hundreds of pages long. Because really, who has time for that!
Just clear, easy-to-implement principles and hacks to help you channel your energy and focus in a way that gets the most out of the hours you choose the work.
Here’s an “inside look” at the strategies and hacks each section reveals:
Give Me The Productivity Blueprint

Chapter One
Are You Productive Or Just Busy? Why Most Of Us Can’t Tell The Difference
- How modern advancements designed to increase productivity are actually making distractions and overload more frequent and contagious
- What an unproductive day looks like – and why most people don’t even recognize it
- Why busy professionals need to go through the first step of addiction recovery before they can start becoming more productive
- The cost of interruptions: $588 billion per year and 3-5 hours per day
- How admitting some perceived “personal failures” will help you pinpoint what’s holding you back from getting more important things done
- Self-proclaimed multitaskers are the least productive people of all – here’s the brain science and research to prove it
- Reduce stress, frustration, pressure and mental workload by “disconnecting”
- Why we overestimate the strength of our willpower and self control – and how this is sabotaging our productivity efforts
- 23 minutes and 15 seconds – the tangible value of reducing EACH interruption, how far would you go to have this time back?
- Why you’re not actually working as hard (or as long) as you think, according to sociologist John Robinson
- Former professor at Harvard Medical School explains the reason you feel chronically inattentive, disorganized and overbooked like you have ADD – and why it’s not entirely your fault!
Give Me The Productivity Blueprint

Chapter Two
Your Success Plan
Redefining Time Management
To Become More Productive
Section 1: The Essential Components Of A Productive Work Week
- The truth about “work” – and why this is at the heart of all productivity problems
- 4 actions steps to get more out of your designated “core production” work time
- 2 kinds of work – and why you’re probably focusing on the wrong one
- The emotional reason we fail to plan and reflect on our schedule – and how to overcome it
- Stephen Tang’s 30 minute end of day ritual for going home guilt-free and teeing up the next day for success
- Account for logistics. Factor in travel time, prep time, breaks, etc. These sneaky necessities blow up well-intentioned plans before they start. At first it will seem like you’re spreading tasks out too much, but it will preserve your plan’s stability in the long run
- How to manage mundane, routine tasks so they don’t steal time and energy from your high value work
- Significantly increase the value of your creative, strategic and “thinking” time by doodling (yes, you read that right – we’ve got the science to prove it)
- The one thing all busy people complain they never have time to do – but neglect to schedule it on their calendar
- Take a hard stance on group meetings – here’s one key and 4 action steps to do it
- Use this 45-minute manager-employee one-on-one meeting structure (instead of a carte blanche open door policy) to reduce drive by interruptions and daily requests
- 20% of employees feel guilty about taking their allowable breaks and 25% of workers don’t break other than for lunch – here’s how this is killing everyone’s productivity
- Why the most successful people procrastinate on purpose
Section 2: A Framework For Organizing Each Day
- How to determine the most productive times of your day
- How to make a realistic task list
- Tip: pair a big task with a smaller, easier one. This way the list isn’t full of things that are so time-consuming that you’re only able to finish one.
- The #1 mistake people make with their to-do lists
- What is “flow” and why psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi believes it’s necessary to increase your productivity
- How to get “in the zone” like an elite athlete when you really need to get an important task done well – and quickly
Section 3: Rethinking Time Management
Is time the real problem?
Everyone laments there aren’t enough hours in the day. But not having the time to be productive is rarely the root cause. To be at your most productive most of the time, the challenge is to rethink the concept of “time management.”
This single page section shines a bright light on the true key to productivity.
Section 4: Six Skills Of Organized, Efficient and Productive People
- Develop automatic, productive habits – 5 timeless principles (#3 is the secret)
- How to prioritize like Warren Buffet – 4 stupidly simple steps, it’s genius
- Learn smart scheduling – 5 proven hacks
- Procrastinate on purpose, or not at all – use the 2-minute rule, serial deadlines and three more quick tips
- Achieve “Inbox Zero” – 3 questions to ask of every message (plus, why you should declare email bankruptcy)
- Neutralize distractions – the one, guaranteed to work strategy for reducing interruptions that most people are too shy, too scared, or too stubborn to implement
Give Me The Productivity Blueprint

Chapter Three
10 Mistakes That Kill Productivity
How To Stop Them From
Sucker Punching You
- Letting others dictate your schedule
- Paralysis by analysis
- Being overly optimistic
- Falling down the email tunnel
- Waiting for the perfect time
- Wasting time between meetings
- Relying on “their” deadlines
- Deferring to “their” routines
- Filling downtimes with “shallow” work
- Saying yes too often
Give Me The Productivity Blueprint

Unlock Your Best Productive Self
This final chapter distills everything the Blueprint covered into a two-page executive summary. It emphasizes the central theme of the ResourcefulManager’s Framework for Productivity …
“Change your mindset from ‘time management’ to ‘channeling energy’ and you’re already half way to being more productive.”
For the skimmer and scanners, these last two pages concisely lay out the six essential keys to unlocking your productivity vault – releasing the potential you have inside you.
Give Me The Productivity Blueprint

Blueprint Extras & Premium Bonuses
Four Practical Tools To Help You … Take Action & Make Progress Quickly

Give Me The Productivity Blueprint
Here’s A Summary of Everything You’ll Get
The Escape The Busyness Trap Blueprint & Bonuses gives you:
- 50-page, step-by-step Blueprint
- Blueprint Extra: Time Management Priority Checklist
- Blueprint Extra: Prioritizing Tasks Worksheet
- Premium Bonus: Sample Schedules For Supervisors, Middle Managers and Executives
- Premium Bonus: 17 Habits of Highly Productive People
- Download Immediately, PDF Format
- 90-day “Must-Be-Resourceful Money Back Guarantee”
That’s the price for the Blueprint + Bonuses
This is not for you if …
… You like to consume information, but not act.
… You’re not ready (right now) to change your life and career for the better.
… You are looking for a magic bullet.
… You don’t believe you have “time” to fix your productivity problem.
“The Escape The Busyness Trap” Blueprint & Bonuses require action. When you take it, you’ll reap the rewards.
And, if the benefits outlined and the minuscule cost aren’t enough, we’ve also removed all risk …

“Must-Be-Resourceful” 90-Day Money Back Guarantee
ResourcefulManager’s “Escape The Busyness Trap” Blueprint comes with an unconditional, 100% money back guarantee.
We’re confident you’ll find several new and useful ideas to become more productive, presented in a practical, easy-to-implement format.
In fact, we’ll give you a full 90 days to carve out the time in your busy schedule to read the Blueprint, digest the strategies, put the advice into action, and experience the results in your specific situation.
We believe to be a great manager … is to be resourceful. So every piece of content and product we create is designed to make you more knowledgeable, prepared and resourceful. Just for the record, as of 3/28/18, we’ve sold 5,427 ResourceManager products and only have had 68 refund requests
If you decide “Escape The Busyness Trap” Blueprint doesn’t deliver value or simply isn’t your cup of tea, just email us at contact@resourcefulmanager.com within 90 days, and we’ll process your complete, no-hassle refund in 1 business day or less.
But I’m confident you won’t need to.
To your success,
John Walston
Get the ResourcefulManager Blueprint
“Escape The Busyness Trap”
No-Nonsense Guide To Organize Your Day Structure Your Week, Neutralize Interruptions – And Leave Work On Time, Guilt Free
Here’s What You Get
- 50-page, step-by-step Blueprint
- Blueprint Extra: Time Management Priority Checklist
- Blueprint Extra: Prioritizing Tasks Worksheet
- Premium Bonus: Sample Schedules For Supervisors, Middle Managers and Executives
- Premium Bonus: 17 Habits of Highly Productive People
- Download Immediately, PDF Format
- 90-day “Must-Be-Resourceful Money Back Guarantee”

Get This Blueprint & Much More …
With a ResourcefulManager Insider membership you’ll get immediate access to the Blueprint you’re looking at right now, plus all this in your account on day one:
- 16 Blueprints (PDF) – detailed, step-by-step frameworks, advice and recommendations for navigating everyday management challenges and difficult situations.
- 9 Essential Insights (PDF) – concise, 20- to 30-page executive summaries that deliver quick tips, distilled research and curated knowledge on a specific topic.
- 80 Practical Tools (PDF) – desk references such as checklists, worksheets, scripts, and more to help implement new ideas. Bridging the gap between advice and execution.
Quality, reliable information you can trust – professionally curated, distilled and delivered to you all in one place.
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