Goal-Setting That Works
A Detailed Framework For Setting Goals – and Achieving Them

What is “Goal-Setting That Works” Blueprint?
A Step-by-Step Framework To Formulate, Set, and Achieve Goals for Yourself, Your Team, and Your Company
Without goals, it’s easy to lack focus and direction to move our careers and lives into the future.
Goal-setting starts with careful consideration of what you want to achieve and ends after a lot of hard work.
But to accomplish said goals, we first need to know how to set them.
Set Yourself Up for Success By Setting Realistic Goals and Staying On Track to Achieve Them
- 7 reasons we struggle to set goals and reach them – and how to overcome these major roadblocks
- 6 key concepts to keep in mind when defining your goals
- How to create a genuine, realistic action plan to carry out goals – backed by research
- The 4 W’s of goal-setting that give you the legs to take action
- Essential elements to holding yourself accountable and eliminating self-defeating tendencies
Includes 20 Mistakes That Derail Your Goals – And How You Can Overcome These Roadblocks
Understanding what NOT to do is just as important as knowing what should be done when it comes to goal setting. This rapid-fire section of the Blueprint gives you the 20 goal-setting mistakes that prevent you from setting realistic, achievable goals and staying on track to completion.
A Quick-Read For Busy Managers, Executives & HR Pros
43 pages of no-fluff information, guidance and specific steps to establish and achieve realistic goals for personal, team, and company growth. Plus, 3 additional practical tools (think desk references) designed to use objectives, strategies, and tactics to join the eight percent of people who achieve their goals.

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With an RM Insider membership you’ll get immediate access to the Blueprint you’re looking at right now, plus:
- 17 Blueprints (PDF) – detailed, step-by-step frameworks, advice and recommendations for navigating everyday management challenges and difficult situations.
- 9 Essential Insights (PDF) – concise, 20- to 30-page executive summaries that deliver quick tips, distilled research and curated knowledge on a specific topic.
- 90 Practical Tools (PDF) – desk references such as checklists, worksheets, scripts, and more to help implement new ideas. Bridging the gap between advice and execution.
Quality, reliable information you can trust – professionally curated, distilled and delivered to you all in one place.
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What’s Inside the Goal-Setting That Works Blueprint?
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The ResourcefulManager’s Framework for Setting Goals And Achieving Them
- What football can teach us about goal-setting (even the end-zone dance is important!) (pg. 13)
- How goals, strategies, objectives, and tactics are all different (and how they play a critical role in goal-setting and accomplishment) (pg. 14)
- How to adjust goals without settling for less or selling yourself short (pg. 16)
- This seemingly counterproductive action can actually be the single best trick to reaching your goal before you know it (pg. 17)
- Do you make this simple goal-setting mistake? (Research says only 3% get it right) (pg. 22)
- 3 steps to drafting a mission statement to clarify and motivate you to achieve your goal (pg. 23)
- How to stop talking and envisioning things you want to accomplish like “big-idea thinkers” and start making things happen (while developing effective habits you can repeat successfully over again) (pg. 25)
- Implement these two tactics that ensure your goals are always a realistic work-in-progress and not just some broad concept (pg. 25)
- The single biggest reason most people don’t achieve a goal they set out to accomplish (pg. 27)
- 4 honest questions to ask yourself – or your team – when visualizing and discussing goals being set (pg. 29)
- Two tools you can use to help break down goals and pace yourself to hit each smaller target (remember: not everything needs to be done overnight) (pg.29)
- The importance of the (seemingly frivolous) “touchdown dances” for you and your team (pg.30)
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With an RM Insider membership you’ll get immediate access to the Blueprint you’re looking at right now, plus:
- 17 Blueprints (PDF) – detailed, step-by-step frameworks, advice and recommendations for navigating everyday management challenges and difficult situations.
- 9 Essential Insights (PDF) – concise, 20- to 30-page executive summaries that deliver quick tips, distilled research and curated knowledge on a specific topic.
- 90 Practical Tools (PDF) – desk references such as checklists, worksheets, scripts, and more to help implement new ideas. Bridging the gap between advice and execution.
Quality, reliable information you can trust – professionally curated, distilled and delivered to you all in one place.
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Goal-Setting Insights – Backed by Research
- The truth about why we abandon our goals so quickly – and how to get back on track
- 7 reasons we struggle to reach our goals – and the self-sabotaging tendencies you should be aware of
- Doing this one thing leads to higher performance 90% of the time – backed by research
- [Research] People who do this one, simple thing are three times more successful in reaching their goals – according to Harvard Business study
- What marathon runners know about goal-setting that you can apply immediately
- [Research] The #1 way to boost your success in reaching your goals – according to a Harvard Business study
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With an RM Insider membership you’ll get immediate access to the Blueprint you’re looking at right now, plus:
- 17 Blueprints (PDF) – detailed, step-by-step frameworks, advice and recommendations for navigating everyday management challenges and difficult situations.
- 9 Essential Insights (PDF) – concise, 20- to 30-page executive summaries that deliver quick tips, distilled research and curated knowledge on a specific topic.
- 90 Practical Tools (PDF) – desk references such as checklists, worksheets, scripts, and more to help implement new ideas. Bridging the gap between advice and execution.
Quality, reliable information you can trust – professionally curated, distilled and delivered to you all in one place.
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Extra Resources Included
3 Practical Tools To Help You Implement Everything You’ve Learned From The Blueprint
6 Ways To Get Your Team To Achieve Its Goals
The Difference Between Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Tactics – And When To Apply Them
ResourcefulManager Goal-Setting Action Plan Template
20 Mistakes That Derail Goal-Setting
- #1 – We don’t write our goals down
- #3 – We set goals that are too vague
- #7 – We set goals that don’t really matter to us
- #11 – We don’t develop ways to measure goal progress
- #15 – We don’t get enough help or input on our goals
- #20 – We don’t reward ourselves
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With an RM Insider membership you’ll get immediate access to the Blueprint you’re looking at right now, plus:
- 17 Blueprints (PDF) – detailed, step-by-step frameworks, advice and recommendations for navigating everyday management challenges and difficult situations.
- 9 Essential Insights (PDF) – concise, 20- to 30-page executive summaries that deliver quick tips, distilled research and curated knowledge on a specific topic.
- 90 Practical Tools (PDF) – desk references such as checklists, worksheets, scripts, and more to help implement new ideas. Bridging the gap between advice and execution.
Quality, reliable information you can trust – professionally curated, distilled and delivered to you all in one place.
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With an RM Insider membership you’ll get immediate access to the Blueprint you’re looking at right now, plus:
- 17 Blueprints (PDF) – detailed, step-by-step frameworks, advice and recommendations for navigating everyday management challenges and difficult situations.
- 9 Essential Insights (PDF) – concise, 20- to 30-page executive summaries that deliver quick tips, distilled research and curated knowledge on a specific topic.
- 90 Practical Tools (PDF) – desk references such as checklists, worksheets, scripts, and more to help implement new ideas. Bridging the gap between advice and execution.
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