Start Your New Hire Off On The Right Foot A 7-Step, 180-Day Onboarding Framework That Leads To Long-Term Retention, Employee Loyalty and Happy New Hires
Every business is only as good – and as successful – as its employees.
Whether you’re part of a small, family-run service provider, a global conglomerate – or something in between – a trusted and able workforce is among your most valuable assets.
And getting yourself the best new hire can be exhausting!
With multiple companies competing for the same top candidate, recruitment is time-consuming and can be a drain on resources.
So once you finally get someone on board, it’s wise to make certain you’re doing all you can to make them successful.
The vital step to a new hire’s success?
The onboarding process.
Get onboarding right, and your new hire will evolve into a successful contributor …
Fumble it, and you miss tapping into that employee’s full potential.
Onboarding Is More Than Just Training
Onboarding is more than training your new hires to tactically do their jobs.
It’s fully integrating them into their new work environment …
It’s giving them the tools they need to adjust to their new position …
It’s turning new hires into dedicated and engaged team members.
Onboarding should introduce them to their surroundings, new co-workers, company goals and traditions, and:
- Understanding company history and background
- Conveying company values
- Explaining professional culture
- Establishing institutional expectations and performance goals
- Showing them where they fit into the big picture
- And most importantly, the mission for the future
When onboarding is done well, it can foster happy and productive employees so you – and your company – can reap the benefits of retaining successful, talented workers.
But, if you fail to put the necessary time, effort and planning into your onboarding process – it can cost you.
Cost your company time, money and personal capital.
So you gotta give it your all.
And trust me, your new hire will notice if you’re not giving all you got!
Onboarding processes vary from place to place in formality, scheduling, how many people assist, you name it – it can all be different.
But the key is to develop an onboarding experience that doesn’t take too long, but also isn’t so brief that it leaves your new hire foundering.
We’ve got exactly what you need right here …
Onboarding That Optimizes Employee Retention Blueprint
A 7-Step, 180-Day Framework That Works
This 50-page, step-by-step Blueprint offers thoroughly researched strategies, tools, and tips to develop an effective onboarding process that works to ensure long-term employee retention, company loyalty so you and your company can reap the benefits of retaining successful, talented employees.
You’ll also get five practical tools to help put the onboarding framework into effect immediately, plus:
- Keys to setting up your employee with tools they need to succeed within the first 60 days
- What exactly onboarding is – and why is it critically important to your organization
- How poor onboarding processes can impact you, your company, and the bottom line
- The impact onboarding has on your new hires’ longevity and loyalty
- How long should onboarding take? Keys to developing an onboarding experience that doesn’t take too long – but also isn’t so brief it leaves your new employees foundering
- 3 keys to make sure introduction to their new position runs smoothly rely on three crucial onboarding concepts
- The 4 Cs of onboarding every program can be designed around
- How to help employees understand both legal – and policy-related rules and regulations from the get-go
- 8 ways to measure employee performance during those tricky first 6 months
- Who does what? Breaking down the varied roles during onboarding of HR, the manager and others
For Just $67
- How to set expectations for both your company and the new hire during the onboarding process – and make sure they’re met
- Plan ahead! What to do before your new hire arrives that ensure things start off on the right foot
- Day 1: The 6 key components that should be included in your new employees’ very first day
- 5 crucial steps to make sure your new hires’ first week goes off without a hitch
- Don’t lose momentum! 3 touch-points you shouldn’t overlook within the first 30 day
- How to remove the guardrails from your new employee after the first few weeks on the job – and hold them accountable for their job responsibilities
- How to accurately measure the success of your new employee – within the first 90 days
- Get your new hire to perform their job with confidence within the first 90 days
- How to start your new hire off on a specific mission that makes them feel their work is valued
For Just For Just $67
It is critical that managers provide an effective and engaged onboarding experience for new employees.
Onboarding is more than simply signing legal papers and receiving training to physically to the job.
Onboarding is about nurturing your new hire so they adjust to their new surroundings, get a feel for the company, new co-workers and acclimate to their new position so that when they begin the nuts and bolts of the job, they are able to do it with confidence.
The more specific you tailor your onboarding process, the more likely you’ll leave no stone unturned in training and integrate new employees into the company fold.
We’re here to help with the Onboarding Blueprint.
For Just For Just $67

“Must-Be-Resourceful” 90-Day Money Back Guarantee
ResourcefulManager’s “The Feedback Framework” Blueprint comes with an unconditional, 100% money back guarantee.
We’re confident you’ll find several new and useful ideas to help you deliver more effective employee feedback, presented in a practical, easy-to-implement format.
In fact, we’ll give you a full 90 days to carve out the time in your busy schedule to read the Blueprint, digest the strategies, put the advice into action, and experience the results in your specific situation.
We believe to be a great manager … is to be resourceful. So every piece of content and product we create is designed to make you more knowledgeable, prepared and resourceful. Just for the record, as of 5/01/17 we’ve sold 3,546 ResourcefulManager products and have only had 35 refund requests. (less than 1%)
If you decide “The Feedback Framework” Blueprint doesn’t deliver value or simply isn’t your cup of tea, just email us at contact@resourcefulmanager.com within 90 days, and we’ll process your complete, no-hassle refund in 1 business day or less.
But I’m confident you won’t need to.
To your success,
John Walston
Get the ResourcefulManager Blueprint
“Onboarding That Optimizes Employee Retention”
A 7-Step, 180-Day Onboarding Framework That Leads To Long-Term Retention, Employee Loyalty and Happy New Hires
Here’s What You Get
- 69-page, step-by-step Blueprint
- Blueprint Extra: New Employee Checklist
- Premium Bonus: 15 Practical Training Tools To Help New Employees Succeed
- Premium Bonus: New Employee 6-Month Evaluation Survey
- Premium Bonus: Guide To A New Hire’s First 180 Days
- Download Immediately, PDF Format
- 90-day “Must-Be-Resourceful Money Back Guarantee”

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With a ResourcefulManager Insider membership you’ll get immediate access to the Blueprint you’re looking at right now, plus all this in your account on day one:
- 14 Blueprints (PDF) – detailed, step-by-step frameworks, advice and recommendations for navigating everyday management challenges and difficult situations.
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- 66 Practical Tools (PDF) – desk references such as checklists, worksheets, scripts, and more to help implement new ideas. Bridging the gap between advice and execution.
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