The Bad Boss Handbook
Why 4 Out Of 5 Employees Say They Have
A Lousy Manager …
And, 33 Habits You Must Avoid
So You Aren’t Labeled A “Bad Boss,” Too
Go ahead, you can read that again if you want … (but you read it correctly the first time)
Eighty. Percent.
How is that possible?
No one wakes up in the morning and thinks to themselves, “today is the day I’m going to completely demoralize my staff from top to bottom!”
Are there bosses out there who are difficult on purpose – ones who act like jerks simply because they can?
Are there bosses who are only worried about themselves and their own success – ones who simply ensure their jobs are safe while disregarding their employees?
As a manager, it’s often hard to see how our actions, responses, and overall attitude can inadvertently demoralize our employees.
More often than not, what you’ll find is a good manager unknowingly throwing team morale into a nose dive or productivity into a tailspin.
Key word: unknowingly
It’s not intentional. It can happen to anyone.
What is most important is that as managers we try to be as self-aware as possible. But that’s not an easy task itself. I mean, we’re only human, right?
We all possess the skills to become a better manager. (After all, you’re a part of the ResourcefulManager community.)
And there’s no denying that there are a few characteristics that make for a “lousy manager,” regardless of management style.
We’ve got what you need to keep it in perspective …
Essential Insights
The Bad Boss Handbook: 33 Things You Probably Shouldn’t Do
This Essential Insights is a mega-list of 33 things you should avoid as a manager. In this handbook, you’ll find 33 habits of bad bosses that cause employers untold problems in bottomed-out morale, continuous and snowballing turnover and the kind of productivity fit for Sunday drivers, plus:
- How to lose your most engaged employees in an instant (trading them for zombies who sleep-walk through their eight-hour shift)
- Why this one major misstep leads to almost all misunderstandings (and causes your employees the most frustration)
- The reason why telling your team everything is “OK” or “satisfactory” is a bad idea
- How to relay potentially unpopular news from upper management to your team, while being supportive of the corporate decision and supporting your team’s concerns
- The steady response that makes your team feel like saying: “why even bother”
- If this is your consistent reaction, then you might as well be telling your employees they can’t possibly have anything useful to contribute
- Enforcing this inconsistently can bring on disastrous legal consequences
- The single best way to demoralize your employees and guaranteed to make any manager unpopular at best
- Being fearful of this facet of management deflates morale and destroys respect
- What you should never do to your employees – even if it’s by accident (this one mistake makes it almost impossible to bounce back from)
That’s what we cover in this Essential Insights.
These are the undeniable traits that – no matter who you are and what management style you use – make for a bad boss.
Keep these out of your office when it comes to managing your team, and you’ll be golden.
“Must-Be-Resourceful” 90-Day Money Back Guarantee
ResourcefulManager’s “The Bad Boss Handbook” Essential Insights comes with an unconditional, 100% money back guarantee.
We’re confident you’ll find several new and useful ideas to become more productive, presented in a practical, easy-to-implement format.
In fact, we’ll give you a full 90 days to carve out the time in your busy schedule to read the Essential Insights, digest the strategies, put the advice into action, and experience the results in your specific situation.
We believe to be a great manager … is to be resourceful. So every piece of content and product we create is designed to make you more knowledgeable, prepared and resourceful. Just for the record, as of 5/01/17 we’ve sold 3,546 ResourcefulManager products and have only had 35 refund requests. (less than 1%)
If you decide “The Bad Boss Handbook” Essential Insights doesn’t deliver value or simply isn’t your cup of tea, just email us at contact@resourcefulmanager.com within 90 days, and we’ll process your complete, no-hassle refund in 1 business day or less.
But I’m confident you won’t need to.
To your success,
John Walston
Get The ResourcefulManager Essential Insights:
The Bad Boss Handbook 33 Things You Probably Shouldn’t Do
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