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Interactive Workshop
How To Turn Onerous, Unproductive Reviews Into A Less Taxing, More Potent Employee Development Tool

Recent research reveals what most of us already know...

Performance reviews are broken.

At one end of the spectrum, they’ve become like the dentist. You know you need to go, but loathe the thought of making the trip.

Some folks go so far as to delay and reschedule with impunity. They know discomfort is assured and fear what bad news may be delivered.

At the other end, traditional appraisals are much worse.

Instead of being just a time-consuming nuisance, research suggests they’ve become a destructive exercise that measurably decreases employee performance.

Here’s why:

  • The all too common rating system is flawed! – Kansas State University management professor Satoris Culbertson, who studied the response to more than 200 performance reviews, argues that the mere act of receiving a numerical rating can be perceived as negative feedback.
  • We hate our current process. According to the Corporate Executive Board (CEB), surveys have found that 95 percent of managers are dissatisfied with their PM systems, and...
  • They’re criminally imprecise. The same study states that 90 percent of HR heads believe their current performance management system does not yield accurate information.
  • They decrease performance. Psychologists A. Kluger and A. Denisi report completion of a meta-analysis of 607 studies of performance evaluations and concluded that at least 30% of the performance reviews ended up in decreased employee performance.
  • They drive people to quit. Josh Bersin cites how Microsoft has decided to disband its performance management process, “after decades of use the company realized it was encouraging many of its top people to leave.” And Donna Morris, senior vice president of global people resources at Adobe, acknowledged that voluntary attrition always spiked in the months after review time.
  • We don’t conduct reviews well. A 2013 survey by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) asked HR professionals about the quality of their own performance management systems; only 23 percent said their company was above average in the way it conducted them.

Something has to change.

The mission of performance reviews still holds true:

Objectively evaluate performance – and facilitate improvement through feedback, coaching and accountability.

The problem is in the execution, not the intent.

You need a fresh approach that consistently produces what everyone wants … motivated, high performance employees.

If you’re tired of unproductive reviews that waste your time and do more harm than good with employees, here’s help:

Interactive Workshop:
Performance Reviews That Work

The Performance Review Workshop, is a 6-part workshop that will guide you step-by-step through the most important aspects of performance reviews to ensure you get them right time and time again.

There are so many different systems in the workplace, this workshop fits right into any review system you might already be using and easily transfers into your operation.

Whether your review process is sitting down to an informal meeting where you essentially read their written review aloud or you have to rate your entire team on a scale of 1-5, this workshop can help.

The Performance Review Workshop was created to put a stop to the dreadful performance reviews that feel like a time-wasting nuisance that just create frustration and angst and reenergize the reviews and the boot stigma that comes along with them to the curb.

Good companies realize that when their employees get better, so does the company -- and that's exactly what this Workshop is here for.

What's Inside The Workshop

In the workshop, you'll be introduced to a manager and three members of her staff who have upcoming reviews. Each with different levels of experience, unique strengths and weaknesses and career goals.

Here's a more detailed look at what you'll find inside this workshop:

  • Overview:The Good, The Bad And Why They Matter

    • How reviews are currently viewed vs. how they should be viewed
    • The key to making performance reviews less painful and more effective
    • Bridging performance reviews and employee engagement
    • Why performance reviews fail – and what you can do to fix it
  • Lesson 1: Set The Stage For A Productive Review

    • Identify and create goals for employees of all levels of experience
    • The #1 key to giving effective feedback during performance reviews
    • 3 characteristics that should help guide the goals that are set for employees
    • How to get your employees to reflect on their own performance before the review meeting
    • Work through the performance review process with three types of employees:

      • Experienced top performer
      • First year employee
      • Been with the company for a few years and just transferred departments
  • Lesson 2: Conduct Face-to-Face Discussions That Inspire Better Performance

    • How to start conversations to set the stage so reviews can be productive and meaningful
    • Discover approaches to talking to everyone from brand new to tenured employees
    • Learn to deliver good – and bad – news with tact, so your meetings don’t get detailed and off track
    • The #1 thing to avoid in reviews that will shift the focus and can cause resentment
  • Lesson 3: Write Compelling Appraisals Quickly That Are Accurate And Complete – Without Forms & Ratings

    • 3 components that make up an effective written review
    • Pinpointing employee strengths, successes and priorities – along with phrases to help get your message across on paper
    • Choosing the right words to effectively communicate positive – and negative – aspects of the review
    • Direction on responding to good and bad employee feedback about their written review
  • Lesson 4: Document Performance With Precision – The When, What & How

    • Examples of words and phrases that should be omitted from employee write-ups, as well as suggested phrases
    • Documentation best practices – and when does HR need to get involved?
    • Workplace scenarios that violate Federal employment laws that should always be documents and brought to HR
    • 3 essential elements that should be included in all documentation
  • Lesson 5: Make Performance Reviews A Year-Round Development Tool vs. A One-Time Event

    • How and why continuous feedback is so important to employees
    • Top 3 components that are crucial to employee performance – and how to incorporate these into your feedback
    • The importance of documenting issues, remedies and feedback after reviews
  • Final Quiz

    • Quick, 20 question quiz to ensure training retention
    • Printable results displayed clearly along with ability to view correct answers
Get The Performance Reviews Workshop Now

Now that you know what's inside the workshop let's talk about...

How It Works & What You Get

Unlike most online training programs that take a bland, information dump approach, the Performance Review Workshop is unique with interactive, real-world scenarios that force you to think and make decisions that replicate what happens before, during and after the review process.

Inside the Workshop you'll find:

  • No-fluff, 5-10 minute lessons that don't waste precious time
  • Individual training sessions that keeps information targeted, focused and manageable
  • Complete control to start, stop and resume training when inevitable interruptions occur
  • Conversational and engaging narration that draws you into each lesson, instead of lulling you to sleep like other online trainings can
  • Quizzes & story-based interactive decision-making scenarios that challenge you to apply what you've learned, confirm training retention and provide a record of completion and scores
  • No IT required and nothing to install, for easy access 24/7 from anywhere
  • Handouts and checklists specifically crafted to highlight pertinent information and points to remember for each training topic. Perfect for hanging in a cubicle and quick training refreshers.

This workshop gives you everything you need to bridge the gap between training and on-the-job realities managers face during performance reviews.

Workshop Pricing

Once you've completed this 6-part Workshop, you'll not only have knowledge and confidence in your you'll have a proven plan for conducting successful performance reviews that will truly improve results, help employees reach their goals and boost morale.

If you were to set out on your own to discover the best way to get the most out of your team using performance reviews, you'd have to dig through 55,000,000+ search results online, and sit through hours and hours of monotone online courses. (Bleh!)

So, we've done the wading for you.

We've gone through all of the reliable performance review information and advice we could find, and curated, distilled and delivered it all to you in this one place...

for just $247.

Performance reviews are one of the best tools you have. They can boost morale, help employees reach goals and improve results. But only if they're done the right way.

Get The Performance Reviews Workshop Now

90-Day Money Back Guarantee

ResourcefulManager’s “Performance Reviews That Work” Workshop comes with an unconditional, 100% money back guarantee.

We’re confident you’ll find several new and useful ideas to help you navigate performance reviews, presented in a practical, easy-to-implement format.

In fact, we’ll give you a full 90 days to carve out the time in your busy schedule to complete the Workshop, digest the strategies, put the advice into action, and experience the results in your specific situation.

We believe to be a great manager...is to be resourceful. So every piece of content and product we create is designed to make you more knowledgeable, prepared and resourceful. Just for the record, as of 10/20/16 we’ve sold 2,775 ResourcefulManager products and have only had 26 refund requests. (less than 1%)

If you decide "Performance Reviews That Work" Workshop doesn’t deliver value or simply isn’t your cup of tea, just email us at contact@resourcefulmanager.com within 90 days, and we’ll process your complete, no-hassle refund in 1 business day or less.

But I’m confident you won’t need to.

To your success,

Get This ResourcefulManager Interactive Workshop
"Performance Reviews That Work"
The Good, The Bad And Why They Matter

Here's everything you'll get:

  • Lifetime access to the Performance Reviews That Work, Workshop that includes:

    • 6 Training modules

      • Overview: The Good, The Bad And Why They Matter
      • Lesson 1: Set The Stage For A Productive Review
      • Lesson 2: Conduct Face-to-Face Discussions That Inspire Better Performance
      • Lesson 3: Write Compelling Appraisals Quickly That Are Accurate And Complete – Without Forms & Ratings
      • Lesson 4: Document Performance With Precision – The When, What & How
      • Lesson 5: Make Performance Reviews A Year-Round Development Tool vs. A One-Time Event
      • Final Quiz: Quick 20 questions to ensure retention with printable results
    • 50 Interactive, story-based decision making scenarios
    • 6 PDF handouts – perfect for printing and hanging for quick refreshers
  • 90-day “Must-Be-Resourceful Money Back Guarantee”
Get The Performance Reviews Workshop Now

Performance Reviews Workshop